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Eastbourne Seafront Strategy 2050  -Have your Say!

What is most important to you about Eastbourne seafront? What would you like to see change or stay the same over the next 25 years? Have your say to help shape a vision for the seafront for generations to come.

What's this project about?

Eastbourne Council are asking for your help to create a vision for Eastbourne seafront for the next 25 years. This will become a plan for our seafront that you want you to be part of.


They want a vision that will help revitalise the town have a lasting positive impact on the environment and well -being of local people now and for future generations.


Whether it's well -being, entertainment, food and drink, accessibility, a clean environment, personal safety, activities, culture, heritage, water quality, opportunities for young people, or anything else, they want to know what's important to you now and what will be important to you over the next twenty-five years.


EBC are inviting ideas that look beyond what the seafront offers now - these can be as imaginative and creative as you like!

So please take the survey - you can reach it HERE

FOES Founder Member Parachutes from 12000 Feet!

On Friday 30th August, Yana Platel achieved her dream of making a tandem Freefall and Parachute Descent from 12000 feet over Headcorn Aerodrome in Kent.  After a five-second freefall the parachute opened and Yana controlled the direction of he descent for several minutes before making a very soft landing on the airfield. She was, of course, a little nervous before the Jump but was thrilled to have achieved a life-long ambition. Well done Yana!!

Yana manage ot obtain sponsorship for the jump and has kindly offered to donate all profits to the Friends of Eastbourne Seafront.

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